
Monday, February 23, 2009

Grandma (Mom!) Turns...

Okay, okay, so I won't give away my mom's age for the whole world to access but I will say that we recently celebrated her birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! We even managed to get Grandpa (Dad!), the kids (me and my brother, and our spouses/significant others), and the grandkids (all three of them) together for pictures. We didn't manage to get one picture of all of us, but we did manage to get several pictures that, in the end, included everyone.

My mom also received GREAT news in regard to her heart...there was a "false alarm" and after lots of testing her doctor's have determined that her heart is in great shape. No blockage of the arteries, no prior heart attacks, etc. Just a good ol' fashion healthy ticker! Thanks to everyone who sent prayers our way -- they worked!

Anyway, after much of the recent "bad" news I thought it only appropriate to share some good news! And here are some birthday pics to boot:

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