
Monday, March 9, 2009

Never a Dull Moment!

Of course, I had to open my mouth and spout off yesterday about how things have finally returned to normal around here...I just did it one day too early, I guess.

Tonight I decided that I was actually going to try to start fitting some exercise into my daily routine again. So, I venture downstairs and onto the treadmill. I complete my warm-up and am a good thirteen minutes into my workout when "Little Man" comes trotting downstairs with a ball in his hand and mischief in his eyes. He proceeds to make his way behind the treadmill (and me) and I immediately realize that a) he knows that he is not suppose to be anywhere near the treadmill when one of us is on it and b) that he is thinking about throwing his ball onto the belt of the treadmill. I tell him THREE TIMES to get away from the treadmill -- he doesn't -- the next thing I know he is laying on the floor (he fell while goofing around) and the belt of the treadmill is burning/ripping his skin.

I pull the emergency stop, the treadmill stops, I jump off and lift him away from the still slowly turning belt. He's crying, and I'm hugging him and telling him "it's okay honey, it's okay" as inside my own head I am screaming "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THE TREADMILL, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T LISTEN!!" (He's okay, but I can almost guarantee he won't be trying that one again...the pictures don't do the injury justice!)

And this is at the slow pace of 3.4 mph. I hate to think of what might have happened had I actually been running! (If it is possible for little boys to give their mothers heart attacks, mine might be on its way).

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