
Friday, August 20, 2010

Because You Can Never Get Enough...

I'm sitting at home today -- my first day of vacation (I'm off for 10 days, yeah!) and "Little Man" is sick.  He woke up in the middle of the night last night throwing up...yuck!  That went on all--morning--long.  He hasn't thrown up for several hours now but is still complaining of his stomach hurting.  At the moment he is sleeping peacefully.  I guess this isn't exactly the way I envisioned kicking off my vacation (we were suppose to go to the county fair actually) but, hey, better now then next week when we are actually on vacation.

"Feisty Girl" woke up for a nap several hours ago and has been playing ever-so-quietly ever since.  She is normally so wild and crazy (and LOUD!) that I sort of dreaded having her here at home today while "Little Man" is sick, but she has done wonderful -- it is almost like she knows, senses, that he isn't feeling well and has decided to tone herself down a bit for the day!

At any rate, in our attempts to keep quite "Feisty Girl" and I started taking some random photos around the house today.  My wonderful husband bought me flowers the other day and "Feisty Girl" has been eyeing them ever since.  Today she asked if she could smell them, so I took them off the counter and brought them down to her level so that she could see them up close.  I took a few pictures and this was one of my favorites:

She's just so gorgeous! :)

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