
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandma "B" Turns 60!

The first weekend in September was Grandma "B's" 60th birthday.  (This is my husband's mother).  She thought she was coming to our house for what was supposed to be a pretty laid back day...boy did we all have her fooled!!

We actually turned her 60th into a weekend long extravaganza that started with a surprise party (including BBQ cookout with extended family), followed by a night by the campfire making smores and telling stories.  We rounded out the weekend with a trip to the MN Renaissance Festival (Sunday) and a trip to the Mall of America (Monday, Labor Day).

We were tired out by the time Monday rolled around, but we all had a blast and that is all that counts!  Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend festivities:

Surprised?  Or terrified to see us all?

Okay, now there's a smile!

A picture of the cake before it was devoured!

Grandma getting some help with her candles from the kids

Opening gifts (with help!)

A picture of all of the kiddos...ya all are a good lookin' bunch!

Watching the video the boys made for Grandma

A girl and her daddy...MN Renaissance Festival

Yep...I'm a cutie...check me out!

A favorite activity -- found everywhere these days

Grandma blowing our her birthday candelabra at Buca's!

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