
Monday, October 11, 2010

Indian Summer?

It has now been several weeks since the devastating flooding, and we have now been blessed with a spurt of "Indian Summer" weather.  What is Indian Summer you ask?  Well, according to, it is "a period of sunny, warm weather, after the leaves have turned following an onset of frost, but before the first snowfall." 

And boy-oh-boy have we met that criteria!  Since last Friday we have had temperatures well over the 70 degree mark.  Friday and Saturday we managed to reach into the mid-80's!  We managed to get a ton of work done around the house and, more importantly, get out and have some fun enjoying these last days of summer.

On Saturday we visited a fun little pumpkin patch located in Byron, MN.  We had been there before but back then "Little Man" was only 1-1/2 years old and "Feisty Girl" wasn't even part of our family yet.  This year, we visited as a complete family.  My husband's brother, his wife, and cousin "H" visited with us.

Despite the HOT weather, the nasty little biting bugs (nats?) that were all over the pumpkin patch grounds, and that fact that Grandma "G" couldn't join us because she wasn't feeling well, we still made the best of it!  Here are a few pictures from the day:

The girls enjoying one of the many wooden toy tractors

"Little Man" making his way down one of the "Rabbit Hold" slides

Aunt "K" and Cousin "H" on the slide

Daddy and "Feisty Girl" -- Lots of Laughs!

Show me your serious face!

Show me your sassy face!

Trike Races!!

Cousins at play!

Uncle "A" and Cousin "H" at the top of one of the Wooden Forts

Entrance to one of the corn mazes

Group Photo Stop :)

The sun setting on a wonderful Indian Summer day

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