
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer's End

Every year for many-a-year our family makes its way to Duluth, MN.  In fact, my husband and I have been doing so even before we had a family.  It is a trip we, we love!  It is our last hurrah before the official end of summer, our last time to hike, to bike, to enjoy the shoreline, to play at the playground in the warm sun, to take in a meal together on the outdoor patio, to live, to love, and to learn -- from each other and with each other.  This tradition, started when my husband and I were just a "couple," has blossomed into one of my most beloved family traditions.

Unfortunately, this years trip was not quite as exciting or adventerous as some of our other yearly trips to the North Shore because I was sick the entire trip.  I had a horrible cough (which kept everyone up at night), a sore throat, an almost consistent headache, and a whole bunch of other "unpleasantries."  Is that even a word? :)

I promised myself that I was going to make the most of the trip anyway...that I was not going to let this little cold get the best of me.  I did what I could to keep it together on the trip.  We kept things simple (no hiking or biking this time around) and by doing so we actually got to try some things that we've been meaning to do for years but have just never gotten around to doing due to the fact that our other "normal" activities are generally far more exciting.  For instance, we've always wanted to tour the William A. Irvin but have never taken the time.  We've wanted to return to the Great Lake Aquarium with our daughter, who was not yet part of our family at the time we last visited.

While it is never fun to be sick on vacation, I did hold my own while we were there.  (I'll readily admit that it felt GREAT to be home though...and you'll almost never hear me say that about a return from vacation!)  So, here they are...the last of our family vacation photos from the Summer of 2010.  Aahhhh -- those were the days:

Stopping to strech our legs at the rest area coming into Duluth

A walk in the park

A stop at the park so that everyone could be a kid again!

The good 'ol tire swing - always a winner!

Touching the sting rays!!

Look Ma - No Life Jackets :)

Exploring the treehouse

Learning about the fish in the Great Lakes

Relaxing on the deck back at the hotel

A ship leaving port

"Feisty Girl" sitting on one of the ropes anchoring the William S. Irvin in the harbor

My lame attempt at "drinking off" my sickness! :)
Okay, so in all reality, this was my only drink of the entire trip (a rum runner) and it was FANTASTIC!

Ryan enjoying his signature Long Island

A menu from one of the dining rooms in the William S. Irvin

Dad & "Little Man" sharing their 5-Layer Chocolate Mint pie from Betty's Pies in Two Harbors, MN

Strawberry Rhubarb -- A favorite of mine...cleary not a favorite of "Feisty Girls!"

Beautiful Lake Superior


Nightingale said...

Just stumbled across your blog today - you have a beautiful family!!

~ Courtney

Heather (Chaos Controller!) said...

Courtney...glad to have had you "stumble" across my family blog today.

I browsed your site and love what you've done thus far. (I've been a R.Q. fan for years and such sites were of a HUGE help to me when we were adopting!) I wish you the best of luck with your site -- it looks like you have a ton of valueable information!

Feel free to come back and visit anytime! :)