
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Birthday Week Revisited

The official birthday "hoopla" is officially over.  Yesterday we spent the day in the Twin Cities.  We did some shopping, ate out at one of our family-favorite restaurants, and visited the MN Zoo.  Today we ("Feisty Girl" and I) had pedicures, manicures, shared a caramel apple spice at Starbucks, partied with family and friends all day long, and then capped the day off with a visit to Buffalo Wild Wings and watchin' some NCAA games.  The perfect end to the perfect weekend!

Here are some of my favorite photos from the past two days:

Riding the Tigers? :)

Don't ask...

A Boy and His Father

Girls Morning Out -- Manicures & Pedicures!

All Smiles...girls morning out was a hit

Making a wish -- and blowing out the candle


More Presents...


freda said...

I search clubfoot and fibular hemimelia for my daughter. Then, found your blog. Can i ask you some questions about these?

Heather (Chaos Controller!) said...

You bet...feel free to post your questions here and I will respond. Or, if you prefer to keep your questions private, just let me know and I can provide you with my email address!