
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SevenSlings (Baby Carrier) Promo Code

SevenSlings has some cute baby carriers...and right now, using Promo Code, disneyfun, you can get one for free!  All you pay is the cost of shipping, which is $11.95.  Hurry though, this particular promo code is only good while supplies last.

P.S.  For all you parents out there...check out FamilyFun magazine.  It's a favorite in our household and is where I found the code for these darling carriers!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Craziness

Things have been crazy around here lately...I need to get caught up on blogging again but for now a "recap" of recent events will have to do:

1.  Swimming lessons are in full swing for "Little Man."  He thinks he knows how to swim, but couldn't save himself in the deep end of a swimming despite his resistance to continued lessons, he's currently back at it.  I'm confident he is going to pass this time around and be able to move on to Level 3.

2.  Soccer has started -- which means practice one night a week and games every Saturday.  Lucky for "Little Man," all of his soccer events are on different days than swimming.

3. My husband and I managed to sneak in a "date night" this past weekend.  We went to a local casino, went to a concert, and enjoyed a night out with friends...long overdue.

4.  My husband had surgery nearly one month ago to make some corrections with the tendons and bones in his foot.  He's currently back to being able to walk (and has been for about two weeks now) but is still experiencing quite a bit of swelling at the end of the day so he's trying to continue to elevate his leg as much as possible and continues to ice his leg too.  He can't drive for at least another 1.5 weeks, so I'm currently the chauffeur for the entire household!

5.  We have been doing some spring cleaning in the kids

6.  I took two days off around the time of my husband's surgery, another two days over the kids spring break, and then I took last Friday off "just because."  And now, I officially have a serious itch to use more of the vacation time that I have been building up since around Christmas time last year.  I currently have over four weeks of vacation built up but am trying to save it until it gets warmer out -- summer, please hurry!

Last but not least, I have the everyday "normal" things that need to get done around here -- like dishes, ironing, paying the bills, with that being said, I'm outta here!

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Easter Fun

We finished off the week of Spring Break and Easter with some more family fun...including a trip to see all three grandmas (Great Grandma "S," Grandma "S," and Grandma "G") and also Grandpa "S", and all of the kid's aunts, uncles, and cousins from both sides of the family.

While our visits were short-lived we were happy to be able to have had the opportunity to visit everyone in the span of just a few short days.  (I also managed to throw a "girls day out" shopping with my best friend, and a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese in the mix as well).  All in all, a great holiday...and I was thankful to have finally had the opportunity to use some of the vacation that I've been building up since Christmas time!

Here are some additional photos from our fun times:

Just chillin' at Chuck-E-Cheese

Deal?  Or No Deal?  (One of Feisty Girl's favorite games).

Easter baskets!

Wagon rides down the big hill at Grandma "G's".
Always a thrill!

Even the youngest family member (Baby "G")
was able to participate in the egg hunt...
thanks to a little help from her daddy!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

An Easter Egg Hunt

Today one of the local churches in town put on a 50,000 egg-strong Easter Egg Hunt.  There were pony rides, a petting zoo, free pictures with the Easter Bunny, food vendors, and even "tours" of our local law enforcement/fire/ambulance service vehicles.

This was the first time our family had attended this event and, despite the rain, we had fun...well most of us anyway!  (More to come on that later).

I especially liked the fact that each "hunt" was staggered, by age, roughly 10 minutes apart -- and parents were not allowed in the roped off "hunting grounds!"  That was great because that approach really allowed the event to be something for THE KIDS...and not parents wanting their child to get the most candy or the biggest prize (there was a "golden egg" in each age division that could be redeemed for a special prize) and that meant fun for everyone involved!!

"Feisty Girl" was up first at 11:30 a.m., in the five year old age division, and well...lets just say her first Easter Egg Hunt was a bit too overwhelming.  She. just. stood. there.  Yes, you read that right.  While all of the other kids burst out into the open field to scoop up eggs by the dozen Ms. Feisty Girl stood there, right next to me, and stared...just stared.  "Little Man" encouraged her to just grab some eggs -- even the 10 or 15 that lay right under her feet.  But she wanted NOTHING to do with it.  She looked at us, eyes welled up with tears, said "I'm cold and I don't want any!"  So, with that she promptly exited the roped off area and walked away empty-handed.

"Little Man" on the other hand was very excited and couldn't wait for his hunt to begin.  His "hunt" actually included all of the kids in the 7 - 12 year old age division.  It was packed...but he was as ready and willing as ever to go get eggs.  The countdown began, the siren sounded, and he was off!!  By the start of his hunt the rain was actually pouring down and we were all getting very wet, very quickly.  But like a trooper he ran straight into the cordoned off field for his share of the loot.  I think he filled his entire Easter basket with eggs in about 3 minutes was overflowing with brightly colored eggs filled with hoards of candy and, if he was lucky, one of the special prizes.

After "Little Man's" hunt we ran as fast as we could for the van in order to take shelter from the wind and rain.  As he opened his eggs to see what he had managed to grab, we also started to dry off.  There was no special prize in his eggs but he was happy none-the-less.  He got suckers, tootsie rolls, gum, sweet tarts, and a whole bunch of other sweet stuff...he was a happy camper!

Once he finished opening his eggs and we had managed to dry off some, we left the hunting grounds and headed to grab a bite to eat.  Despite the wind, rain, and "Feisty Girl" deciding she didn't want any part of this egg-hunting stuff...we had a wonderful pre-Easter morning together!

Here are some photos from our adventure:

One of the many roped-off "hunting" grounds

"Feisty Girl"...not hunting for Easter Eggs

"Feisty Girl" with the Easter Bunny

"Little Man" returning from his hunt...
he has his overflowing bucket in-hand,
unfortunately you can't see it in the photo

"Little Man and the big bunny!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Popsicle Anyone?

My husband had this brilliant idea to make a gigantic popsicle for the kids as an April Fools Day joke.  A fun but practical way to play a light-hearted joke on the kiddos...that we all got a kick out of!

What's needed you ask?  At least 2 - 3 different flavored and different colored fruit juices/punches (we used Hawaiian Punch in strawberry lemonade and orange ocean), a mold (any shape), a 3/4 to 1 inch wooden dowel, and some Saran Wrap.

Step #1 - Begin creating "frozen layers" at least one day prior to the surprise.  To do this, pour the first fruit juice/punch into your mold...filling it 1/4 to 1/3 full.  The mold can be anything that will hold liquid.  We simply used a large plastic glass as our mold.

Step #2 - Let the first layer "set up."

Step #3 - Once the first layer has begun to "set up," insert the wooden dowel (wrapped in Saran Wrap) into the center of the first layer of the semi-frozen concoction!  Make sure the wooden dowel is centered.

Step #4 - Once the first layer is frozen solid, create a new layer.  Use alternating flavors/colors to help insure a "wow" factor!  Let the second layer freeze and then add the third layer.

You can create as many or few layers as you would like...just remember the more flavors/colors being used and layers being created, the more time you will need to complete the popsicle.

In the end, the goal is to have an eye-catching popsicle that is so large the kids will have a hard time holding on to it!  (In the interest of time, ours only had two very thick and one thin...but after seeing the pics you'll get the general idea).  Here are a couple of pictures of our "finished product," which the kids loved:

Not sure why he is looking at his hand...
but you can see the excitement on his face!

Contemplating how to "attack" his popsicle!

Diggin' In!

Excited to start eating her treat...
but kindly stops to pose for a picture!
