
Monday, April 9, 2012

More Easter Fun

We finished off the week of Spring Break and Easter with some more family fun...including a trip to see all three grandmas (Great Grandma "S," Grandma "S," and Grandma "G") and also Grandpa "S", and all of the kid's aunts, uncles, and cousins from both sides of the family.

While our visits were short-lived we were happy to be able to have had the opportunity to visit everyone in the span of just a few short days.  (I also managed to throw a "girls day out" shopping with my best friend, and a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese in the mix as well).  All in all, a great holiday...and I was thankful to have finally had the opportunity to use some of the vacation that I've been building up since Christmas time!

Here are some additional photos from our fun times:

Just chillin' at Chuck-E-Cheese

Deal?  Or No Deal?  (One of Feisty Girl's favorite games).

Easter baskets!

Wagon rides down the big hill at Grandma "G's".
Always a thrill!

Even the youngest family member (Baby "G")
was able to participate in the egg hunt...
thanks to a little help from her daddy!

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