
Monday, July 13, 2009

More Good Times at the Lake!

Below are a few more "choice" photos from our trip to Lake Delton in Wisconsin Dells, WI. While the trip is over once again, the memories will be enough to last us until this time next year! Thanks "B" family for helping us to make many more memorable moments in our lives and the lives of our children!

Dad's first go-kart ride...I'm sure there will be more to come! (Little man is hidden but riding with dad)

The family preparing for their first ride on the Original Wisconsin Ducks! (It was a blast!)

"The Giggles" -- What you get after one-to-many "two-for-ones!" My best friend, pictured below, and my dear husband were the two to partake in this little "event!" The rest of the adults (myself and best friend's husband) had to be the responsible ones and get us all back to the condo safely!

Crayons + paper tableclothes = fun for all involved!

And last, but not least, were these enjoyable beverages -- which we kept flowing for most of the weekend! :)

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