
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Time Out...

Our family has been on a hiatus (as if you haven't noticed) as of late.  My 2.5 months of traveling has finally come to an end and we've returned to a new sense of normalcy at home..but...that too has now come and went.  As I type, we are at Gillette Children's Speciality Hospital in St. Paul, MN.  "Feisty Girl" is currently in surgery having the following done:  Femoral Lengthening, Tibial Derotation Osteotomy, Tendoachilles Lengthening, and she will be fitted with a Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) on her Femur, Tibia, and Foot.  Please send your thoughts and prayers to our family and, more importantly, to "Feisty Girl."

I will try to make occasional updates to this blog throughout her surgery and subsequent recovery, but have chosen to make most updates through a private blog that I've created specifically for family and friends.

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