
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Three Years Ago Today

Three years ago today...I woke up in Beijing, China.  Three years ago today...I spent the day exploring the Summer Palace and then visiting the Yonghe Temple.  Three years ago today...I was in the midst of experiencing one of the greatest times in my life!

Three years ago today, my family husband, my son, and I were seven days into a sixteen day trip to China to complete the adoption of our baby girl.  Someone who, three years ago, we had only known for four short days but whom we felt like we had known for a lifetime. 

"Feisty Girl," three years ago today you changed our lives forever -- and every year sometime during the anniversary of our travels to be united with you, I think about just how many lives were changed by one very special little girl.  I think about your birth parents.  And pray for them.  I think about how hard their decision to place you for adoption must have been.  And how they probably grieve for their loss every day.  But mostly, I think about how their sacrifices enriched our lives.  And how without them...none of this would have been possible.

Three years ago today life was as beautiful as ever...and so were you:

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