
Monday, May 30, 2011

Hellllloooo Summer!

I'll admit...I'm all about Summer.  While I like the snow in Winter, I hate the ice and the cold.  While I like the falling leaves in Fall, I don't care for the windy days that alert me to the fact that bone-chilling weather is just around the corner.  While I like the birth of all things new in spring, I hate the "muck" that gets tracked into the car, the house, and every other little nook and cranny as the snow melts and the rains begin.  Yes, I am a Summer Girl.

And this my friends is my newest, most-loved, summer time possession:

It is call the Bahamas Frozen Concoction Maker and I received it as a Mother's Day gift from my husband.  Ladies, don't get all worked husband wouldn't normally ever consider buying me an appliance of any sort for a gift.  However, he knows that I love my margaritas and daiquiris and that I had mentioned buying one of these in the past but considered it to be luxury item (considering the fact that this line of products retails for around $300.00 and goes up into the $700.00 range for the fully-functioning, high-end model) and therefore I had always passed up buying one in the past. 

My husband is the best though...he remembered that I had wanted one of these, waited until they went on sale, and then bounced all over the opportunity to buy one for me.  This particular model retailed for $300.00 (I really don't need the bigger, fancier version for anything) and it was 50% off.  On top of that the store had an additional 10% off appliances and my husband knew that I had a 30% off "anything in the store" coupon.  I probably shouldn't know this much about a gift that was bought for me...but my dear husband also knows me well enough to know that after the initial excitement had worn off that I would be freaking out over the fact that he spent over $300.00 for a fancy blender.  So after I opened it he kindly let me know that he had got a super deal on it.  I was so psyched!!

I've used it a few times now and am starting to get the hang of things like how much ice to add per drink, how much mix to use, etc.  I've now made icees for the kids and for the adults -- margaritas, daiquiris, and even some "electric lemonade."  I. am. hooked!!!  I love this thing!

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