
Friday, August 19, 2011

My Hair Stylist Left Town...Permanently!

I absolutely hate it when I have to find a new hair stylist.  I had to do it several years ago, after my stylist of 15+ years cut her hours way back (she now owns her own salon) and her reduced hours no longer jived with my schedule -- therefore making it almost impossible for me to make an appointment without taking time off of work or scheduling an appointment on the weekend.  But, alas, I got over it and upon the recommendation of a couple of gals at work, found a new stylist that I loved. 

My new stylist was an artist really.  He could do amazing things with hair and it was easy to tell that he was really passionate about what he was doing.  But what wasn't to love...he owned the salon along with his wife, they got to set their own hours, and they were both genuinely great people.

So image my shock when, today, I went to make an appointment -- only to find out that they had closed up shop and moved to International Falls, MN, to be closer to family.  Uggghhhh!!!  What??  This cannot be happening to me!! 

*Ahem* but it did...again.  So for the second time in less than five years I was on the hunt again for a new stylist.

I suppose though, this one was sort of my own fault...from what I hear they gave folks plenty of notice...except, you see, I hadn't been there in quite some time due to my work-related travels earlier in the year (Feb-April) and then my daughter's surgery and subsequent surgery later in the year (May - July).  So, even though others may have been aware of the pending injustice -- I was not.

At any rate, it has been a really long time since my last hair.  I mean way to long.  So there was really no more time for me to procrastinate, search for someone new, someone trusted, someone wonderful.  So instead, I ventured off to this little, local salon today upon the recommendation of one of my husband's co-workers.

And guess what??  I loved it!!!  She listened to what I said, clarified through questioning, and the results were better than I could have hoped for...I like length (she left most of mine and didn't over-trim) and I like volume (she gave me lots).  This just might have been the best "first" haircut I've ever received from a stylist.

I'm now toying with the idea of a color or extensions -- we'll see what the coming weeks bring.  I'm almost always the "photographer" in the family and am rarely ever in pictures unless we are with friends who are also taking photos, or unless I truly make a point of stopping to use the timer on my camera to take family photos, etc.  However, I paused to have a few photos taken of myself this afternoon...just to share my new style with ya all:

Oh, and I had my "first ever" pedicure tonight too...and I can tell you that it won't be my last!!  (Talk about relaxing!)

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