
Thursday, October 6, 2011

All-City Elementary Cross Country Meet

"Little Man" decided this week that he was going to run in the All-City Elementary Cross Country Meet.  I. was. skeptical. at first

"Litte Man" has never run in any sort of race (ever!) and at first I wondered why he would want to start now...but you know what they say "there is no time like the present!"

So I left work early today, went to pick up "Little Man," and then we met dad at home before heading to the race.  When we arrived there were cars, buses, and people everywhere.  We walked to the starting line and waited for the race to begin.  "Little Man" saw his 5th grade "buddy" (older students that the younger students are paired up with at school as a mentoring opportunity) and was very excited that his "buddy" invited him to hang out with him at the starting line...because his "buddy" is a great runner.

So the kids were all lined up, the whistle was blown, and then the gun was shot...and they were off!

A short while later the first of the kids could be seen coming around the last corner of the course and all of us parents, grandparents, etc. were cheering them on all the way to the finish line.  We aren't sure yet how many runners there even were, but "Little Man" came in at 8 minutes and 23 seconds and was in 83rd place.  There seemed to be lots and lots of runners behind him, so we are thinking that he did pretty darn good for his first-ever race.  The race results will be published in our local newspaper, so once we have those I'll make an update to this post or create a new post to share the "official" results.

Here are some photos from the event:

Waiting for the race to start

And...they're off!!

Nearing the finish line!

Even closer to finishing...

The end of the race!

"Little Man" in line to get his "finishing number"
(There are still lots of kids behind him -- we were so proud!)

His "official" place in the race!

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