"Little Man" seems to be a little slow at losing teeth. He'll be seven in another couple of months and has managed to only lose two teeth thus far...and his good ol' mom "helped" him lose the second one! Yep, that's right! "Little Man" came to me last Sunday night and said "look mom, I can bend my tooth really far (he proceeded to show me that he could push his tooth out at almost a 90 degree angle from its upright position). Pull it out for me!"
Hello...whaattt? I didn't not just hear my little man say that, did I? Nah, he wouldn't ask me to do that in a million years -- he's all about doing things on his own.
"I'm sorry, what's that honey."
"I said, pull it out for me mom!"
Aahhh, yeah, he did just say that. Um, okay. Let me just take a peek -- oh, what's that on the TV? (As he trys to turn to look!) Y-A-N-K!
"Wha, what? Did you just pull out my tooth?"
"Yep...here it is."
Of course, this ended with a very estatic "sweet -- now I'll get some more money from the toothfairy!" And yes, the toothfairy did deliver. In fact, the toothfairy left a whopping $5.00...must be due to the fact that losing a teeth around this place are so few and far between!
(Side note: the other tooth had already started coming in...so "Little Man" won't be toothless for very long. I'm expecting the other tooth to move up into place in no time flat!)
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