
Monday, September 20, 2010

"Little Man" - 2nd Grade

"Little Man" started 2nd grade on the Tuesday after Labor Day.  He proudly proclaimed late last week that he has the best teacher in the ENTIRE school!

With absolutely no sign of homework yet and sports cards in the classroom "prize" box, it is no wonder he thinks he has the best teacher ever! 

Okay, in all reality, we all seem to like her quite a bit...she definitely takes an interest in the children in her class and seems genuinely concerned with seeing them success in her class.  I've volunteered to be a room parent again this year and am looking forward to working with her throughout the year!

So, below you will find "Little Man" looking not so little anymore.  The first photo is his professional portriate that was taken at school and the other photos were ones that I took on his first very windy day of school:

Officially a 2nd Grader!

Windy Morning

A very happy 2nd grader!

Waiting for the bus

Boarding the bus

"Unpacking" upon his arrival at school
(Photo courtesy of Little Man's "Mamarazzi")  And yes,
I did follow him all around town this particular morning.

Ready for his first day!!

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