
Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Believe? We Do!

In my last post (about Santa's visit) you might recall that I talked about "Little Man" wanting "more snow" to be delivered to us due to the fact that Santa told him that he did not have Laptops or Red Wii's at the North Pole.  Well, we are a house full of believers -- and make us believe Santa did! :)

In fact, after "Little Man's little wish" we were delivered the biggest two day snowfall in 19 years.  Wow!  Now that is a big ol' present with a huge red bow on top.  In fact, some areas of the state received over 20 inches.  Locally, I think we received something more like 17 inches.  Either way, a whole buncha snow.  The kids haven't been able to play in it yet though because after the snow fell the bitter colds moved in.  However, "Little Man" is really looking forward to putting on his snow-gear and heading outside to make one massive snow fort sometime soon. In the meantime, we are enjoying the outdoor view from indoors! 

During the storm "Feisty Girl" and I made some Christmas treats and the boys even pitched in -- yummy.  And I must admit that we all thoroughly enjoyed hanging out together for well over one day and not really having any cares in the world...even if just for a day!

The storm begins

The next morning - a lovely coat of ice on our windows! 

View of the Alaskan Wilderness from our plane? 
No, just our front!

My little helper in the kitchen

All smiles!

Post treat-making wasn't chocolate,
but gooey marshmallow and Rice Crispies will also do the trick!

1 comment:

Belly Surya Candra Orsa said...

Great Blog..!!!! Keep Blogging.... :)