
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Visit From Santa

The kiddos have crossed paths with Santa several times already this year.  However, last Friday night (after their Christmas Concert) they were prepared for their visit -- little man even had a written list in hand his pocket, just in case he were to forget those ever-important things that he wanted to be sure to ask Santa for this year.

"Feisty Girl," she is so easy going that she would be happy with just about anything that happened to come her way this Christmas.  However, I did overhear he tell Santa that top on her list is a Barbie Guitar (what is that?), dominos, and a new tent.  D-o-a-b-l-e!

"Little Man" on the other hand, he evidentially isn't quite so content with the simple things in life anymore.  No, this year he was going for the big guns.  He started out well, telling Santa that he wanted Legos, K'nex, and Sports Cards (check, check, check) but ended with the big bang that I think even surprised Santa!  Yes, "Little Man" wanted nothing less than a Laptop and a "new, red Wii."  Nevermind the fact that this household already has two computers in it, or that when my husband and I bring home our laptops from work then there are actually four computers in the house.  Also, nevermind that we already have one white Wii.  Ugghhhh...

Thankfully, after Santa had given mom and dad the "wow, you really have your hands full" "I'll handle this one" look he ever-so-gently broke the news to "Little Man" that Santa does not make laptop computers or Wii's at the North Pole.  I intially thought "crisis averted," only to later realize that that only made things fall back into mom and dad's lap!  Luckily for us, the next morning "Little Man" was seen crossing "Laptop" and "Red Wii" off of his Christmas list.  When I asked him why those items were being crossed off his list, he simply replied "Santa doesn't have those at the North Pole."  After crossing off probably the two most coveted gifts off his list he, without hesitation, simply replaced those two things with something equally as good in his eyes -- "More Snow!"

My kids...I love 'em!

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