
Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday "Big K!"

An open letter to my niece...

"Big K," today you turn fourteen years old.  I find it hard to believe -- it seems like just yesterday I cradled you in my arms for the first time and watched you smile your first smile at me.  Today, you are a beautiful, vibrant, and intelligent fourteen year old with your whole life ahead of you.

You are now just one short year away from learning to drive, four years away from graduating from high school, and who knows what the future holds for you after that.  I know that you can do anything you set your mind to.  You can be anything you want to be.  And you can live whatever life you choose to live.  I know that you will make good decisions, using your best judgement...and learn from your mistakes.

Today, as you inch ever-nearer to adulthood, my hope for you is that you...always do your best, persevere through the tough times with your head held high, know that your family and true friends are the only ones that really matter and that we will support you in all that you do, and that you continue to reach for the highest, brightest stars in the moonlit sky.

May all your birthday wishes come true.


Aunt "H"

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