
Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hiatus -  "An interruption in time or continuity.  A break, especially; a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted."

So 2010 has come to an end and we are already a good month into 2011.  I took an unintentional hiatus from blogging duties at the end of the year.  I have no excuses to offer up...other than the one that goes "the end of 2010 was just extremely busy for our family"  And, by the looks of it, 2011 isn't going to let up!

2010 was the year in which...
  • The MN Vikings Super Bowl dreams were dashed thanks to Farve throwing a late-game interception
  • Our daughter's treatments for club foot ended...and treatment for her newly diagnosed fibular hemimelia began
  • Our son lost a whole bunch of his baby teeth
  • We experienced colder weather in Las Vegas, NV, than we would have had we just stayed put in Minnesota!  (I think we'll be moving the annual trip back to the months of April or later).
  • Soccer fever caught hold in our house; including a stint in a Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp and the watching of many World Cup games!
  • "Little Man" turned a big 7 years old and "Feisty Girl" turned into a super-sassy 3 year old
  • My husband finally purchased his "real" grill -- a beautiful, black, and behemoth Weber
  • My new baby Canon D5000 arrived
  • The year that we were blessed to have our niece stay with us for a week and later take her with our family on a five day trek to Wisconsin
  • Flooding of historical proportions hit the place that we have called home for the past 13+ years
  • "Little Man" became a 2nd grader
  • Both Grandma "C" and Grandma "B" turned 60
  • Snow began to fall...and continued to amounts I haven't seen since I was a young child
  • Cancer reared its ugly head in our family ("Grandma B" was diagnosed with breast cancer)
And last but surely not least...2010 was the year in which our lives continued to be blessed by the presence of our dearest family and friends.  You all mean the world to us and we are so happy to have you in our lives!

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