
Friday, March 9, 2012


Last weekend we had visitors -- family -- cousins, to be exact!

The kids were ecstatic.  And we felt blessed to have the opportunity to watch all of the kids get together and "get their wild on!" 

They came.  They played.  They conquered.  We. Didn't. Sleep. Much.  But we had a blast, and the kids had soooo much fun together.

Three of the four "wilds!"

The fourth "wild!"  (Can you see the fire in her eyes!?)

"Little Man" reads Diary of a Wimpy Kid
to the little one.  (She seems to be enjoying it!)

Nap time!

Coming up this weekend...down time.  Dad is playing poker tonight and tomorrow night.  The kids and I went out to dinner with friends tonight and are trying to make plans for tomorrow but aren't quite sure what the day will bring yet.  Stay tuned!

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