
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Birthday...Come and Gone

"Little Man" officially turned nine years old yesterday.  He celebrated at Chuck-E-Cheese, with a few close friends, on Saturday...which was followed up by his first ever sleep over.  This coming weekend, we will celebrate with family and close family-friends.  And "Little Man" is loving it all!

As I mentioned, we loaded up the car on Saturday and headed out of town to one of the nearby Chuck-E-Cheese pizza joints.  We heard the boys talk about girls on the way there, heard about how funny it would be if the pizza joint was called "Chuck-A-Cheese," and we listened to many of the songs that were sung to us.  Apparently, we don't have the only Jukebox in town!

Upon our arrival at Chuck-E-Cheese we found a place to call "home base" and let the kids run wild.  They played video games, skee ball, etc. to their hearts content before we rounded them all up to have a bit to eat and drink.  That, of course, was followed up by more game playing.  As the hours passed by, we were exhausted, the boys were out of tokens, and we were all ready to head home.

As we loaded up the car someone who shall remain nameless may have mentioned the fact that a sleep over would have been fun -- had we planned ahead.  For whatever reason, "Little Man" has never really been interested in sleep overs so I the person who shall remain nameless thought this might be an opportune time to mention it.  Wow...did that sell like hotcakes!  The boys, including "Little Man," were all over that idea and by the time we were five minutes into our trip home all of the parents had been contacted by their little guys and had all given the go-ahead for the sleep over.

Needless to say, the next day everyone was pretty sleepy.  We had asked politely (around 10:00 p.m.) for the boys to settle down a bit.  I was then politely informed..."MOM, don't you know?  When you are having a sleep over everyone is SUPPOSED to stay up late!"  Um, no, apparently I had forgotten that very important piece of childhood information -- so I took my booty back upstairs with me and hung out until, again, I politely asked them (around Midnight) to please settle down and go to bed.  This time around though, my request was followed up by the turning off of the lights and the confiscating of the TV remote control.

I went upstairs and "hung out" for about another five minutes before retiring to bed along with my already-sleeping husband and daughter.  And then...I.was.out!

Of course, I was informed the next day that the real party ended at approximately 1:45 a.m.  One of the boys had evidently tuckered out shortly after midnight...but the other two carried on, chatting about boy things, I'm told until well after 1:00 a.m.

The good news is...all was, and is, well...and "Little Man" had a very memorable 9th birthday -- his words, not mine! :)

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