
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Track & Field

This past Wednesday was "Track & Field" day at school.  This was the first year that "Little Man" was eligible to participate, as the kids must be in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade to compete...he was a tad bit excited about it too!  They even got to choose which events to participate in and "Little Man" chose:
  • Hurdles
  • 50 Meter Dash
  • Team Relay
For his first-ever Track & Field event, he did great.  While he actually only placed in one event (3rd place in the hurdles) he was near the top in all of his events.  I know that he'll be even better next year now that he had been through it and knows what to expect.  We are very proud of him!  Here are some shots of him in action:

Smokin' gun...and they're off!

Clearing hurdles like a pro!

Friends...surely discussing their standings! ;)

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