
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

So, I must admit that Tuesday got off to a slow start. I was starting to think that nothing from my "To Do" list would ever get done. I decided to tackle another daunting task right away in the morning -- filing. Not just any filing either, I had papers, documents, and examples of the kiddos school work that had been piling up since late last year. Yes, I said from late last year.

I decided it would be best to take my mountain of paper and start by organizing it into piles of related information: receipts, work-related stuff, the kiddos school work, medical and dental explanations of benefits from our insurance company, etc., etc., etc. Once organized into piles, I took two piles at a time (it just made the task feel so much smaller!) to the basement to be filed in one of our two filing cabinets. By the time it was all said and done, the filing task took me a full 3+ hours. I've vowed NEVER to let this get this out of hand again!

Now is when the fun began. I was able to cram all sorts of things into the remainder of the day, including:

1. Enrolling "Little Man" in Basketball
2. Completing some banking
3. Cleaning the bathrooms
4. Creating & printing a new "frequently called phone numbers" list
5. Making banana bread
6. Helping my mom with her resume
7. Peeling the potatoes for our Thanksgiving meal
8. Taking "Feisty Girl" to the doctor for her H1N1 shot
9. Paying bills
9. ...All of the other things that must take place in order for this household to stay afloat

Pretty good for a days work, huh? :)

I have 6 things remaining on my "To Do" list and I'm confident that I can get most of them crossed off before I return to work next Monday. Some I'll finish off quickly today, the others will need to wait until Saturday or Sunday. All in all, it was a pretty productive two days of vacation thus far!

So, the family will be arriving soon and I need to get the kiddos bathed, make a quick run to the store, and then get our Thanksgiving dinner started. Ahhhh...the holidays! (Don't ya love em!)

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