
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Off...

Well, this is it, I'm heading down the home stretch.  I'm just hours from the start of the next business day...a day in which I will spend all morning wrapping up a seven day training session for the folks in our local office before catching a flight to another one of our offices to start our training there on Thursday of this week.

Usually when someone travels in our family, it is my husband.  In the thirteen years that I have been with my employer, I've only had to travel once.  That was back in 2008 (to Phoenix, AZ) and I was gone for a total of five business days.  This trip, however, takes business travel to a whole new level for me.  I'll be gone for ten day stints starting tomorrow and not ending until mid-April of this year.  Making a total of four trips to our various offices between now and then.

There is nothing left to plan, the packing is finally done, and my boarding pass has been printed.  Any guesses on where I might be headed?  Here is a picture of the skyline:

"Little Man" and "Feisty Girl" keep telling me that they are going to be big kids while I'm gone...being good for their dad, helping around the house, going to bed on time, etc.  They've also informed me that they won't miss me while I'm gone because they have lots of "nights" planned with dad...for instance, "game night," "camping out night," "lego night," "music night," "book night," and even "invention night."  Unlike them, however, I don't have any "nights" planned!  My nights will likely consist of leaving work late, grabbing a bite to eat, heading back to the hotel, and then working some more only to wake up in the morning and do it all again.

Sounds like they are going to be very busy while I'm gone and I guess that is a good thing.  I'm hoping that I'll be just as busy (okay, one night to read a book in absolute peace and quite would be nice!) and that it will seem like almost no time has passed before my ten days of traveling have passed and I'm on that flight back home!!

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