
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life's a...Beach

After getting off to a rough start yesterday I decided to give Fort DeSoto another try today.  Before I left I made sure I had my camera (with memory card!), my GPS, my phone, and my sunscreen.  With everything in hand I made the 45 minute trek back to Fort DeSoto. 

I gave myself an extra 15 minutes of travel time just to be safe and it was a good thing that I did because the traffic was a lot heavier today.  Since I had left the hotel a bit early, I thought that upon my arrival that I would have about 15 minutes until the departure of the reality, I had less than 5 minutes to park the car, run to the fishing pier, and make the ferry.  When I got there they had just closed the gate but the Captain (Jeff) and his wife (Angie) were nice enough to re-open the gae and let me board.  And with that I was finally off on the adventure that was suppose to have taken place yesterday.

The photos were all taken at Fort DeSoto Park and Egmont Key.  Fort DeSoto is comprised of a total of five islands and is named after a fort that was built on the islands in the late 1900's to guard the entrance to Tampa Bay.  Egmont Key is an island, reachable only by boat, at the mouth of Tampa Bay.  The Egmont Key Lighthouse and the ruins of Fort Dade, a Spanish-America War era fort, are located in the park.  The island was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places on December 11, 1978.  There really aren't words to describe some of the beautiful things that I saw today, so I'll just let the pictures do the talking:

Ferry to Egmont Key

Egmont Key Lighthouse (as seen upon approach)

A Great Reminder
Inner-Island Brick Path

Gopher Tortoise

Pure Beauty at the Beach

Blissfully Blue

Beachside Scenary

Stranded Jellyfish

Just in case there was any question...

A view from the top one of the ruins

Another one of the ruins

Mine Storehouse & Cable Tank Building

Dolphin off of the Fort Desoto Gulf Pier

Another Dolphin!

Beachside Artwork -- For my husband and kiddos!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

An "Off" Day

I started off the day thinking that I was going to drive to Fort Desoto in Tierra Verde (about 45 minutes from Tampa) and spend the morning taking some pictures of the Gulf Coast, the beach, wildlife, etc.  Then my plan was to depart Fort Desoto at 11:00 a.m. for Egmont Key, an offshore National Island Wildlife Refuge that is accessible only by boat, and spend some more time taking photographs and maybe even relaxing at the beach.  But...I guess I should have known that when I had to return to the hotel (twice) before I had even left Tampa this morning that my day was going to be doomed!

I left the hotel this morning around 9:00 a.m. and returned about 9:02 (after getting out to my car) because I realized that I forgot my sunscreen.  Okay, no big deal.  Then, I left the hotel again and around 9:08 a.m. had to pull my car over to the side of the road because my GPS appeared to have quit working and I didn't have any maps with me...hmmm.  I had found some weird pieces of electronic-related stuff in my laptop bag earlier in the morning but had no idea what they were from.  Well, after looking over my GPS in an attempt to figure out why there was no longer a charge left in it, I figured it out.  Those odd parts were to my GSP, which had somehow come unscrewed (the piece you stick in the outlet in the car) and was now pretty much useless.  With no GPS and no paper map, I turned the car around once again and returned to the hotel about 9:21.  I stomped ran back up to my room, grabbed the three tiny pieces that were in the laptop bag and once again, around 9:27 a.m. hit the road again.  This time convinced that I had everything I needed.  Money (check), sunscreen (check), sunglasses (check), swimsuit (check), cell phone (check), something to drink (check) get the picture.

So I hit the road for the third time and FINALLY feel like I'm good-to-go.  I make the 45 minute drive to Fort DeSoto, get out of the car, take a peek around (very cool area!), check my watch for the time to make sure I don't miss the ferry to Egmont Key, and realize that I have about a 1/2 hr. until departure.  So I decide to head out to the pier, try to determine exactly where the ferry leaves from, and then take some pictures from the pier.  It was all going well up until this point...and then...and then THIS happens.

I pull out my camera and attempt to take a few pictures, nothing.  I attempted to take a few more, nothing -- at which time I decided that I better take a closer look at the camera.  It was then that I noticed the little "no memory card" icon. is at the hotel.  So with no time to run anywhere to buy one prior to the arrival of the ferry to Egmont Key and no way to take pictures I decide to head back to the hotel for a third time.

I'm a little pissed off miffed, to say the least.  My whole day was seemingly in ruins.  On the 45 minute ride back to Tampa, I decided that instead of heading back to the hotel and sulking all day that I would make the most of it and just switch things up.  So upon my arrival in Tampa I headed back to the hotel to retrieve my memory card for the camera and then I went straight to another tourist attraction that had I wanted to see while I was here.  The Lowry Zoo.  Voted the #1 Zoo in America.

With the morning behind me, the warmth of the sun at my back, and my demeanor a little more low-key...I proceeded into the gates of the Lowry Zoo.  I spent the afternoon there.  It was fun but in my opinion wasn't all it was hyped up to be; in fact, I think the MN Zoo is 110% nicer than this zoo.  However, I did get to see some really cool animals, many of which aren't found at any of the local zoos back in all in all, the day turned out okay.  Here are some photos from the Lowry Zoo:

Zoo Entrance

White Bengal Tiger

Komodo Dragon

Blue-Throated Macaw



American Alligator


Friday, March 25, 2011

You Guessed It...

I'm in Tampa, FL!  It is absolutely gorgeous here right now.  The first couple of days after we (my co-worker and I) arrived it was very humid.  However, as of today the humidity has died down and the temperature is hovering around the low 80's.

I've been here since Tuesday and it has basically been all work and no play -- which has really been par for the course with this project.  However, tonight my co-worker and I were just ready to get out of the office and didn't want to have to worry about anything even remotely work-related.  So, we headed over to International Plaza for a drink at the Blue Martini and then took a very short walk down to The Pub.  International Plaza is HUGE and the area in which the restaurants are located has a very unique design concept.  We grabbed an outside table, a drink, dinner, and basically chatted the night away all while people watching.  Then we headed back to the hotel.  And now, I'm calling it a night.  We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Here are a couple of fun photos from tonight's little adventure:

Wishin' ya'all were know who you are!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On the Road Again...

I left behind (again) the cold, wind, rain, and snow in Minnesota and just arrived in a local that, upon my arrival this evening, boasted a temperature of a balmy 76 degrees farenheit.  The rest of the week is looking to shape up to be in the 80's -- topping out around 86 this weekend.

Go away Old Man Winter...I want it to be sunny and warm when I return to Minnesota in 12 days.  In the meantime, I'll enjoy the weather here:

Anyone recognize this place?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Turning 4!

"Feisty Girl" turned four years old on St. Patty's Day.  I was...still traveling.  And not suppose to be home until early Friday afternoon.

However, our second training session wrapped up almost two days early -- which opened the door for me to travel home one day early.  With one quick phone call, I changed my flight and "reworked" my car rentals in both Indianapolis and Minneapolis.  I then called down to the front desk at the hotel that I was staying at to let them know that I would be checking out one day early...and with that the packing began!

I flew out of Indianapolis one day early, jumped into my rental car as soon as I landed in Minneapolis, and then drove home as quickly as possible so that I could surprise my little girl, her big brother, and my husband.  I had bought each of them small presents from my trip and then picked up a birthday balloon bouquet at a local store on my way home.

I then arrived, presents and balloons in hand.  I placed them on the front step, run the doorbell, and ran for the corner of the house nearest our garage...and watched...and waited.  My husband opened the door and saw someone (he didn't realize it was me) lurking in the shadows.  I jumped out and the look on his face was priceless.  I then hid again and he then called the kids down; he told them that there was a surprise for them at the door.  They ran down the stairs, out onto the steps, and were looking around as if to say "well who is all this stuff from?"  I quickly dashed out from my hiding spot, scooped "Little Man" into my arms (he was closest to me!) and then ran to also scoop up "Feisty Girl." 

There were flabbergasted.  In fact, "Feisty Girl" said "Are you staying home now or do you need to leave until tomorrow?"  I informed them that I was home early and wouldn't be going anywhere for four days.  I then unpacked some of my stuff and we celebrated "Feisty Girl's" birthday together as a family that night!

Nearly Home

The presents and balloon bouquet

Looking for the person who made this delivery

Didn't Initially Find Anyone...So Then They Ventured Out to Retrieve the Goodies!
Of course, I was taking pictures and video of all of this...and since no one was expecting me, I don't have any "reunion" photos to share.  But any of you who are parents and have been away from your children and spouse for any length of time can probably imagine what happened after this -- lots of smiles, lots of hugs, and lots of kisses!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Birthday Post From the Road

I'm celebrating my birthday "on the road" this year...I've never had a birthday on the road before but it actually wasn't the dreaded away-from-my-friends-and-family-birthday that I was anticipating.  In fact, it was quite fun.

It started out with a wonderful rendition of "Happy Birthday" being sung to me by the entire training class and some of the folks that were in the last training session that we conducted and was followed up by cake and other assorted goodies...all before 9:00 a.m.

It ended with the other trainers and my coworker from back home taking me out for dinner and drinks after our work day ended.  Like I said...the days was about as good as it gets in terms on on-the-road-and-working-all-day birthdays!  Thanks to everyone who made it special!!  (And thanks to all of my family and friends from back home who sent me emails, texts, Facebook posts, cards, and/or picked up the phone to wish me a Happy Birthday today -- I love you all!)

The wonderful cake that I got to enjoy for breakfast this morning!
Thanks all you Indianapolis gals -- your the best!!

(Oh, and sorry about it being 1/2 eaten...we were all enjoying
the moment so much that I forgot to take a picture before
we all started digging in).

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Birthday Week!

It is official.  Tomorrow I am officially one year older.  And two days from tomorrow my daughter will officially be one year older.  Unfortunately, I've been in Indianapolis (again) for the past week and won't be headed home until Friday...which means that I will not be able to celebrate my birthday or my daughter's with my family.

However, my work here should be wrapped up as of Thursday and I plan to take to the skys again on Friday and head home to see my wonderful husband (whose has officially held down the fort for what has been almost a total of 20 days thus far!) and to see my beautiful children.  And then we will celebrate on Saturday, both birthdays, with family and friends!

Monday, March 7, 2011

While Mom's Away...

The kids will play!

Baking Cookies with Dad

"Camp Out" Night

Mid-Winter Picnic
(Please tell me that isn't a Mountain Dew on the table!)

1,183 = Total number of puzzle pieces

Smooth Style - Hawaiian Day