
Monday, February 6, 2012

Chinese New Year - Day 15

We have reached the end...the end of the Chinese New Year, Day 15, also known as "the fifteenth night."  On this night, the last of fifteen continuous days and evenings of celebrations, families walk the streets carrying lighted lanterns.  Candles are lit outside homes as a way to guide wayward spirits back home.

The exact origin of the Lantern Festival is unknown but many believe that the festival developed out of the desire to celebrate relationships -- relationships between individuals, families, nature and even "higher beings" that were thought to be responsible for the bringing, or returning, of light each year.  In fact, the festival is regarded by some as the Chinese version of Valentine's Day.

The Lantern Festivals are generally large and elaborate.  Most include huge displays of lanterns, dragons, flowers, and more.  Many of the festival displays can actually be found on/near the water...producing an even more amazing spectacle!  Here are just a few examples of the beautiful types of displays that can be found throughout the world (these happen to be from a festival in Beijing):

And with that, comes the end of the 2012 Chinese New Year...may you have a blessed year ahead!

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