
Monday, September 27, 2010

Historic Flooding

I lived in one city for the first 24 years of my life.  The next 13 years of my life I've lived in another city.  If someone had told me that I would end up loving my "new city," I would have told them early on that they were nuts! 

I moved from what I considered a major city (with a mall, a variety of 24-hr conveniences, access to wonderful medical care, plenty of activities, parks, etc) to a "blip" on the map (no mall, 24-hr nothing, mid-level medical care, and virtually no activities to speak of unless that activities included doing something at a local park) that made me question why in the world I had ever even considered this move, let alone actually went through with it!

Little did I know that that little "blip on the map" would soon become home to me...the place from which I planned my wedding, bought my first house, got my first "real" job, had my first child, bought my second home, and headed up the efforts to expand the size of our family through the adoption of a little girl who lived halfway around the world from us.

So, it was with a heavy heart that I watched my hometown be devastated by a flood of historic proportions last week.  In fact, we received over 6 inches of rain in less than 24 hours.  Something that had never, E-V-E-R occurred in the history of the city itself.  It started on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd and ended just as quickly as it had started, on Thursday, Sept. 23rd.  At one point in time there were over 70 road closures and only one east-west passage through the city.

I watched the water rise and with every waking hour, creep closer and closer to homes and businesses throughout the city.  People's livelihood on the line.  People's safety on the line.  People's futures on the line.  I watched...and waited...and prayed.  For my own family...and for others.  For the volunteers.  For the police, firefighters, and the members of the National Guard who were here to help.

And then -- a break in the rain came.  The sun has since peeked out.  The clean-up has begun.  People are giving their all.  It is an amazing sight to witness.  In recent days, my husband and I have made our own contributions to the clean-up and recovery efforts and if there is one thing we've learned from all of this, it is that we couldn't be more proud to call this city home!

Here are some photos from around town:

The retaining pond across from our home - full

Downtown area

Bridge under water in a local park

Local business

Garage behind a home near the river

Park near utility company

Another local park

Cars at an impasse

Flooded truck

Flooded road

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Little Man" - 2nd Grade

"Little Man" started 2nd grade on the Tuesday after Labor Day.  He proudly proclaimed late last week that he has the best teacher in the ENTIRE school!

With absolutely no sign of homework yet and sports cards in the classroom "prize" box, it is no wonder he thinks he has the best teacher ever! 

Okay, in all reality, we all seem to like her quite a bit...she definitely takes an interest in the children in her class and seems genuinely concerned with seeing them success in her class.  I've volunteered to be a room parent again this year and am looking forward to working with her throughout the year!

So, below you will find "Little Man" looking not so little anymore.  The first photo is his professional portriate that was taken at school and the other photos were ones that I took on his first very windy day of school:

Officially a 2nd Grader!

Windy Morning

A very happy 2nd grader!

Waiting for the bus

Boarding the bus

"Unpacking" upon his arrival at school
(Photo courtesy of Little Man's "Mamarazzi")  And yes,
I did follow him all around town this particular morning.

Ready for his first day!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandma "B" Turns 60!

The first weekend in September was Grandma "B's" 60th birthday.  (This is my husband's mother).  She thought she was coming to our house for what was supposed to be a pretty laid back day...boy did we all have her fooled!!

We actually turned her 60th into a weekend long extravaganza that started with a surprise party (including BBQ cookout with extended family), followed by a night by the campfire making smores and telling stories.  We rounded out the weekend with a trip to the MN Renaissance Festival (Sunday) and a trip to the Mall of America (Monday, Labor Day).

We were tired out by the time Monday rolled around, but we all had a blast and that is all that counts!  Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend festivities:

Surprised?  Or terrified to see us all?

Okay, now there's a smile!

A picture of the cake before it was devoured!

Grandma getting some help with her candles from the kids

Opening gifts (with help!)

A picture of all of the kiddos...ya all are a good lookin' bunch!

Watching the video the boys made for Grandma

A girl and her daddy...MN Renaissance Festival

Yep...I'm a cutie...check me out!

A favorite activity -- found everywhere these days

Grandma blowing our her birthday candelabra at Buca's!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer's End

Every year for many-a-year our family makes its way to Duluth, MN.  In fact, my husband and I have been doing so even before we had a family.  It is a trip we, we love!  It is our last hurrah before the official end of summer, our last time to hike, to bike, to enjoy the shoreline, to play at the playground in the warm sun, to take in a meal together on the outdoor patio, to live, to love, and to learn -- from each other and with each other.  This tradition, started when my husband and I were just a "couple," has blossomed into one of my most beloved family traditions.

Unfortunately, this years trip was not quite as exciting or adventerous as some of our other yearly trips to the North Shore because I was sick the entire trip.  I had a horrible cough (which kept everyone up at night), a sore throat, an almost consistent headache, and a whole bunch of other "unpleasantries."  Is that even a word? :)

I promised myself that I was going to make the most of the trip anyway...that I was not going to let this little cold get the best of me.  I did what I could to keep it together on the trip.  We kept things simple (no hiking or biking this time around) and by doing so we actually got to try some things that we've been meaning to do for years but have just never gotten around to doing due to the fact that our other "normal" activities are generally far more exciting.  For instance, we've always wanted to tour the William A. Irvin but have never taken the time.  We've wanted to return to the Great Lake Aquarium with our daughter, who was not yet part of our family at the time we last visited.

While it is never fun to be sick on vacation, I did hold my own while we were there.  (I'll readily admit that it felt GREAT to be home though...and you'll almost never hear me say that about a return from vacation!)  So, here they are...the last of our family vacation photos from the Summer of 2010.  Aahhhh -- those were the days:

Stopping to strech our legs at the rest area coming into Duluth

A walk in the park

A stop at the park so that everyone could be a kid again!

The good 'ol tire swing - always a winner!

Touching the sting rays!!

Look Ma - No Life Jackets :)

Exploring the treehouse

Learning about the fish in the Great Lakes

Relaxing on the deck back at the hotel

A ship leaving port

"Feisty Girl" sitting on one of the ropes anchoring the William S. Irvin in the harbor

My lame attempt at "drinking off" my sickness! :)
Okay, so in all reality, this was my only drink of the entire trip (a rum runner) and it was FANTASTIC!

Ryan enjoying his signature Long Island

A menu from one of the dining rooms in the William S. Irvin

Dad & "Little Man" sharing their 5-Layer Chocolate Mint pie from Betty's Pies in Two Harbors, MN

Strawberry Rhubarb -- A favorite of mine...cleary not a favorite of "Feisty Girls!"

Beautiful Lake Superior

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Proof Positive

I've found it --proof positive that at least one of our kids listens to us!!  (I think the other one is still working on it!) 

While we were recently on vacation "Little Man" asked if I had anything that he could write something on.  I grabbed several sticky notes from the van (we were driving) and passed them back to him.  I assumed he was drawing/doodling (which he always does) and didn't give it a second thought.

A while later we pulled into the hotel and were unloading our van when I noticed some of the sticky notes that I gave him earlier laying on the floor on top of his pencil/crayon box. 

This is what I found:

Interpretation:  "Nothing can stop us if we keep on trying. 
If we give up, we just won't get it."